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POLARITY is a next-gen, AI-driven add-on service to your BRITECITY Managed Service Plan. Built as a multi-layered approach to cyber attacks, our solution will help train, prevent and monitor for cyber-related threats.

SIGN UP WITH A 60-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE – or request more info

Prevention & Content Filtering – Cisco Umbrella

Many Phishing attacks are effective. If someone at your firm does fall victim to an attack, our Prevention & Content Filtering system will block known malicious websites and prevent the attack from being successful.

Next-Generation Antivirus – SentinelOne

When a breach does occur, next-gen antivirus minimizes the pain of recovering from a catastrophic infection by repairing the damage automatically. With 24/7 monitoring by live humans reviewing AI detections, automated repairs can happen behind the scenes. Additionally, the AI within this engine is always learning. As viruses become smarter, so will the engine.

Application Allow-Listing – ThreatLocker

Attackers are constantly learning and testing new ways to circumvent antivirus software and filters. BRITECITY leverages ThreatLocker to add a highly effective level of protection by allowing only the software you want, and blocking everything else – even if it’s never been seen.

User Awareness Training & Dark Web Monitoring – PII-Protect

Despite great advancements in security systems like next-gen antivirus, firewalls, spam filtering, and DNS filtering, threat actors continue to find ways to trick the weakest part of your business’ defense – humans.

BRITECITY’s User Awareness Training and Dark Web Monitoring solution PII-Protect provides a host of solutions to give your employees the training they need to recognize threats in their inboxes and notify you of any compromised company information found on the dark web.


  • $15/PC per month for Prevention, Filtering, & Next-gen Antivirus
  • $14/user email account per month for Darkweb Monitoring & User Training

* This service is in addition to your BRITECITY Managed Service Plan.
* All mailboxes belonging to real, live humans, and all computers/servers must be covered under the agreement.

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