How Can We Help?


Our Response Time is 1-1-1-1

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Let’s start by defining Response Time.  Response Time = an IT Professional is actively working on your issue.  Other IT companies blur this line, but we believe this should be concise, clear and honest.  If we aren’t actively solving your issues, we haven’t responded.

Emergency Issue Response Time: 1 Hour

We define an emergency when multiple people are down or a single person in the company is down.  An individual may be locked out of their computer or the Internet for the entire office may be disconnected.

  • Whether you call, day or night for an “I or we are down” emergency, we will respond in under 1 hour.
  • Emergencies can be devastating to business.  Therefore, we seek to always respond as fast as possible.

Normal Issue Response Time: 1 Day

When many or one person is affected, but systems are generally running, this is considered a Normal Issue.  Examples may be a printer, application, or system error that is getting in the way of you working, but not completely locking you or other out of the system.

  • Standard Issues are worked on during normal business hours (M-F 8AM-5PM)
  • Of course, we always seek to respond ASAP.

New Initiative Response Time: 1 Week

When something “new” is happening in your business, there is typically design, planning, and scheduling required to meet expectations and insure a successful rollout.

  • New employees and new computers tend to be the most common. Because these typically take 4-8 hours, we prefer to do 1 per week when possible.  When urgency is greater, we are happy to work with you on getting the task complete.

Major Infrastructure Change Response Time: 1 Month

Every 3 – 5 years your network will typically have a major upgrade or change made to keep up with the latest security requirements or business changes.

  • Major changes to your network are typically designed, planned, scheduled and implemented within a 1 month time frame.
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